February 5, 2013

Earn fast market "Bang with Friends" application of sex with friends

Bang with Friends is a free application for Facebook that allows dial from a list of friends, those who are willing to have sex without complications.

The system is simple: if someone is sexually attracted to another person, but does not know if the answer is positive. If that person then dials turn in your box, a green light appears on the display of both, which you
know the next step you can take.
Otherwise, the marks will not be seen by any of the other participants.

The creators of the app, not yet identified in the network, claiming to have physical headquarters in California.
They claim to have achieved as 10,000 couples to agree that they could have sex without further adieu, while both reached the green signal showing the interest of the opposite, "without going life waiting or speculating.
And also because sometimes it's not good to sacrifice a friendship if we say what we really want and we are not reciprocated. "

Now innovators are developing the application on an iPhone version.