November 18, 2013

Sofia Vergara angry photo posted by a fellow Modern Family

Sofía Vergara and Eric Stonestreet
The beautiful actress Sofia Vergara was angry with his co-star on Modern Family, Eric Stonestreet, because this posted on his personal account on Instagram for actress in a somewhat compromising position.

Stonestreet up a photograph of Colombia when he was on his back, lying on a table and wearing blue pants very provocative. He attached a small caption that read: "Ugh. Labour".

This apparently was not amused to Sofia Vergara, who replied to Eric on Twitter with: "Eric!" along with an angry face
emoticon, which clearly points out his anger with your partner.
Sofia Vergara is not known for being shy about showing off her body, which surely annoyed is that they did it without their consent.
Sofia Vergara and the controversial photo