January 23, 2015

Kate Upton: Charlotte McKinney will be his substitute in the Super Bowl 2015!

Charlotte McKinney stars in a hot spot of a brand of burgers to the Super Bowl 2015, as did the model Kate Upton in 2012.

Kate Upton is one of the sexiest women on the planet and the proof is the spot who starred in 2012 to the end of the Super Bowl that featured eating a hamburger in the most erotic way that has never been seen. That announcement sparked a wave of passion for the model, who still reaps the fruits of that sultry document. However, this year 2015 a new announcement Carl's Jr. burgers could do definitely forget that the American model. We show you below in melty.es and also tell you all about the possible replacement of Kate Upton.

As we have seen in the video, the protagonist of the ad is the lush model Charlotte McKinney. His spectacular forms remind us of Sports Illustrated model Kate Upton. The woman appears devoid of clothing at the beginning of the video and finally wears a bikini while eating very sensual large hamburger. The name of this woman could become one of the most popular after the massive event: "I love to go natural. It just makes me feel better. Nothing between my body and the flesh hundred natural hundred Carl's Jr ".

See video Charlotte McKinney

Despite the enormous sensuality dropped on the spot, the video has caused much controversy in the United States. As always with these initiatives, several feminist groups have spoken out to protest the abusive treatment of women occurs in these campaigns. These protests have already achieved prohibit Kate Upton spot two years ago and it would be strange to happen the same with this ad. However, prohibit or not, the brand has already received burgers impact daring intended to publish the document