Beyonce, Bono, Coldplay, Hugh Jackman and other celebrities and activists gave last weekend, a concert in front of 60,000 people in Central Park with the slogan to end poverty and hunger in the world.
Citizen of the World Festival, which consisted of a call to action to end the suffering globally, also highlighted a number of development goals raised yesterday by world leaders of the United Nations for 2030.

The Beyoncé, Ed Sheeran Ariana Grande and singers were among the artists on stage while the actors Katie Holmes, Hugh Jackman, Salma Hayek and Leonardo DiCaprio, among others, proclaimed a variety of causes.
"My citizens of the world!" Beyoncé told the crowd. Beyonce sang several of his hits that refer to women's empowerment. "Who runs the world? Women! "He sang. Coldplay frontman Chris Martin, said he was excited to be among people who aspire to make a difference. "Events like this make us feel there are many people who care about the same things," Martin said.

"Whenever dignity is denied, no matter where, we worry, witness and work for change," Biden said. The first lady has called for greater educational opportunities for women.
Big Bird from Sesame Street also appeared on stage to talk about health, especially the importance of having running water to children around the world.
Tickets for the concert were granted to people who carried out some action to contribute to social change.