February 14, 2013

Controversy over the "indecent" kiss of Bar Refaeli in a spot in the Superbowl

The model Bar Refaeli has become the big star of the Super Bowl thanks to a starring spot and has generated a storm of criticism in the United States, as reported by ABC.
The Israeli public known for being the former partner of Leonardo DiCaprio, is the image of GoDaddy.com, a company dedicated to record online videos. In the spot, only 30 seconds long, the model is founded on a long kiss, first and fore, with the rugged actor Jesse Heiman,
known in North America as an extra recurring in many movies and TV series

"GoDaddy has two faces.'s Sexy side, represented by Bar Refaeli. And the smart side able to create a great website for your small business, represented by Walter" says the presenter announced. "Together we are perfect," he says, before these two sides of the firm begins to kiss for ten long seconds. Too long and too close seem to be the reasons why the piece has raised an important media dust prior to its issuance in the Superbowl. Many viewers have considered "scandalous". In order to perform repeated shooting the kiss 45 times.