November 17, 2013

Ariana Grande Miley Cyrus defends dramatically and Justin Bieber!

The singer Ariana Grande might not be so quiet after all. While giving an interview and was asked about Miley Cyrus and Justin Bieber, she defended them veemente

Regarding Miley Cirus said: "She is an adult. She can do whatever she wants. If your decisions are not for you, then stop seeing her. On with your life. Talks about something else. Improve Your Life. that bothers me people ... Shut up, shut up! "

Justin Bieber and Ariana Grande
What we say about Justin Bieber?
"He only does what every guy in the world, only that he is under a microscope, and is criticized by everybody and nobody knows, I do, is a good person."
Ariana Grande - Miley Cyrus