April 7, 2014

Niurka Marcos Ninel Conde accused of sabotaging your career

Niurka Marcos does not back down to strong statements against Ninel Conde and her supposed boyfriend.
The Cuban Mexican accused his colleague of trying to ruin his work with special orders to producers.
"I want to say something Ninel Conde. I have reason to be angry. You asked Mr. Varela to take me out of ' Bathing Women ' . I have reason , because you've asked different productions that keep you away from me like when we did ' Fire in the Blood ' you asked Mr. [ Salvador ] Mejía you wanted me to send books to your character that had nothing to do with mine. These are examples , "he told reporters the actress of telenovelas.

These past experiences may explain the strong comments made ​​Niuka against Ninel Conde, within which includes call " Silicon murderer ." This multiple surgeries which accuses Ninel , known as the " murderer Blossom " , having been made ​​to look as good as it looks today.
" I am not guilty of being told ' Silicone murderer '; I did not invent . I heard it for the first time with technicians ' Fire in the Blood ' and I laughed a lot but not me , "he said .
However, the subtlety was quite short .
" You know what offends people and why people will demand , of the 25 lawsuits have? Because you're a bad person with the people you work with . You'll have demanded dancers guararus , technical , because you are a person who abuses the people you work with , "he said as if talking face to face with his usual Ninel and dramatic tone .