May 18, 2014

After two years Demi Lovato reunites with Mexico

Demi returned to Monterrey to present The Neon ligths tour , with which he caught the five senses of the thousands of attendees who enjoyed her talent , beauty and dynamism.
Contrary to what happens in other events, from an early time 95 percent of the audience was already inside the Arena Monterrey hoping the clock mark the expected moment .

It was not until 21:35 and after
listening to The Rosso Sisters , when the first notes of "Heart Atack " were heard ; immediately the former star of CampRock took the stage amid the clamor of their Lovatics .
The screams were deafening , but showed the love they have for teenagers to Demi , who thanked the samples to the beat of "Remember december " and "Fire Starter" .

The interpreter contagious energy and vocal power , making the audience forget the show from the start of their seats .
One of the requirements was that they could not forget to dress , wear a dress, or article to your face painted with fluorescent colors , which made the room shone with a multicolored range , coupled with production lights that provided the young artist.

In addition to its four musicians and two singers , the U.S. had a team of the thousands of fans that accompanied with "Here we go again" Lovatic choir, "Made in the USA" and " Nightingale " . Taking as an example the problem of bullying and eating disorders that crossed in the past, Demi took the time to make clear that any adversity there is always a solution.
"Two pieces " and " Warrior " from her latest album , were also included in the repertoire but it was certainly "Let it go " from the movie Frozen who played with Paco , a young public , which marked the climax of the evening.