May 17, 2014

Narendra Modi who?

Narendra Modi is the new Prime Minister of India, with a nationalist discourse and right, managed to conquer the country with a majority in Congress not seen for 30 years.

When giants fall, make much noise. And that seems to be heard from India: the echo of the defeat of the legendary Gandhi family in elections this Friday at the hands of
Narendra Modi, a man of 63, who began his living selling tea in the train station Vadnegar.
Modi, Barathiya Janata Party leader, replacing the prime minister Manmohan Singh, the hitherto ruling Congress party, which had as its standard bearer in the elections to the heir of the Gandhi dynasty Rahul.
In the largest democracy in the world, with 813 million potential voters, of which 500 million actually go out and vote, this result could be the beginning of the end of Ghandi, one of the most famous political families in the world, called several times as the "Kennedy" from Asia.