January 16, 2015

Nick Jonas admits he would like to marry Demi Lovato!

Nick Jonas surprised everyone when he confessed in an interview that he would like to marry Demi Lovato, who is a former girlfriend of his brother Joe!

Nick attended an interview for 'Radio Capital', where she was somewhat uncomfortable question: Who do you kiss, who you marry and who would leave? Which had three choices: Demi Lovato, Selena Gomez and Miley Cyrus, the last two are ex-girlfriends and the first ex sister in law and her response was as follows.

"Marrying Demi, I would spend my life with her ... we are like brothers, "confessed the singer. As for the other two girls, I assure you that Selena only kiss her, which obviously put Cyrus as that at which leave; However he said 'But I have much love for Miley".