September 23, 2015

The pop singer who transformed the Taylor Swift in folk sadness

Ryan Adams, one of the most prominent names of American indie, versionó on a disk all the hit songs 1989. The move has generated conflicting views and confirms the extent of the phenomenon starring pop star.

At this point, it would be too risky to affirm that the American music industry moves to the beat of Taylor Swift. It became clear in the last MTV awards last month, with a ceremony that seemed to revolve at all times around it.

Also in their collaborations in the studio and on stage, with artists like Kendrick Lamar and Madonna- well as the constellation of stars invited to his current tour, which has passed people like Julia Roberts, Alanis Morissette and Justin Timberlake. Nobody seems to be subtracted from the phenomenon starring singer 25 years, even those who seem to be on the opposite sidewalk art.

This was highlighted this week the singer-songwriter Ryan Adams, one of the most prominent names in American alternative scene, with the release of 1989, a job in which revisits completely successful album of the same name published Swift last year and that date has sold over eight million copies worldwide.

The new album, which includes songs from the original thirteen-and in the same order-is now available on digital platforms, and though Adams had advanced the idea and a single, the end result has surprised and generated mixed reactions, both from fans of the pop star, as fans of indie troubadour.

"It seeks to change the songs because they needed a change, but he knew that if he sang from my perspective and my voice they would become" explained soloist and producer to Rolling Stone, where he said his work is far from a joke that the idea came up during last Christmas after his break with singer Mandy Moore, and he was inspired by the sound of Nebraska (1982), Bruce Springsteen.

Taylor Swift itself and gave its approval to the experiment, in which Adams becomes as Blank space radio hits, Bad blood and to move Shake it off in voice torn acoustic melodies and instrumentation folk.

"The album has an aching sadness that does not exist in the original," the pop star said yesterday in an interview in conjunction with radio Adams to Apple, where they made it clear that their artistic worlds are not so incompatible. Without going any further, both began their careers playing country music, and now revealed that their alliance was conceived in reality a couple of years ago with some private sessions and set a topic that remains unpublished.