We all have a clone in the world but not all have the luck to get to know. Famous itself. In fact, each day they depart more double stars in the social networks, becoming genuine mass idols with their perched and selfies.

Girls like Selena Gomez (selenagomez) sure there are a few but havenostopping_jasmin much art as it is complicated. This tadpole eight years poses like a real professional to emulate his idol, with his dark hair and dark eyes staring at camera very sweet way.
Yes, you are right, makeup Jasmin surely help and take too long to have eight years but clearly no basis.
Besides being a cute, Jasmin is prepared for several hours a week to be a great singer and dancer, in fact in his Instagram leaves us with an open mouth with its great flexibility and abs of steel.
How strong are the new generation! Selena also began very early in show business: the seven years it was one of the actresses of the child 'Barney & Friends' series, where he shared the set with Demi Lovato in Disney Chanel.

How should that be that 23 years have already knocking on the door to your surrogate? Selena still has much to say in the world of music and film ...