April 3, 2014

Demi Lovato and smack of joy

The singer Demi Lovato, 21, held in a very peculiar way the end of his tour 'Neon Lights', as on 31 March at the last concert of their tour, the group Fifth Harmony accompanied in his dressing room and they made ​​a joke.
Although it was not Demi's birthday, the group threw a pie in the face while shouting:'' I just want to tell you that I love you.'' The funny moment was recorded and shared on Instagram by Dinah Jane, a member of the band.

When Lovato received the pastelazo started laughing, and said to his friends:'' All right, all right, but when I see your ass in Los Angeles will be mine.''
 As if this were not enough, the singer posted a picture on his social network, which appears as the washed face, an image that many of his followers commented.