May 30, 2014

Sandra Bullock and Chris Evans are the new Hollywood couple?

Sandra and Chris have cultivated a friendship for several years now and it seems that today are reaping love.
More than just a good friendship is what today is rumored between Sandra Bullock and our Captain America.

The note announced today the tabloid OK , has been around the world in less than expected , as the actor at 32 is said to be super in love with the actress of 49 years, but not only that, but he was from an early precursor of the work of Bullock.

" Sandra and Chris constantly talk and spend all the time together with leisure , flirting without any discretion," said the famous "source" that provides information to U.S. sites.

 " We are confident that, Chris , an affair with her would be like living a fairy tale . Moreover, friends of the actress 49 years and they recommend that haul and make official a relationship that is destined to happen, " added the insider.