Danielle was born on January 2, 1981 and is popularly known as Samambaia Mulher (Male Fern).
Before 2003, Danielle lived in Balneario Camboriu. That same year, she went to São Paulo, where he
won the traditional contest "As Feline" (The Cats), and soon after was invited to pose for Playboy Magazine, November 2003.

After that, Danielle was invited by the former director of the "panic na TV" to record a pilot program, which premiered the following week, where he worked as assistant stage to then participate in some pictures of the program.
Danielle did a photo shoot for the magazine Sexy in December 2004, and with a reputation as a "femme fatale".
Again posed nude for Sexy Magazine in August 2007. The photos were taken in Bonito, Mato Grosso do Sul
Danielle studied interior design and want to specialize in decorating and gardening.
In the carnival of 2009 participated in the parade as Musa Aliança GRES of the troupe.