January 23, 2014

"The Wolf of Wall Street" was banned in Malaysia and Nepal

The excesses of " The Wolf of Wall Street" , Martin Scorsese 's latest film Martin Scorsese, unleashed the wrath of the censors in several Asian countries , to prohibit their display limit .
The film, which includes scenes of sexual content , drug use and 569 variations of the word ' fuck ' was banned in some countries and in others it has been restricted their display, even with cuts on her films.

Malaysia and Nepal completely banned public display although the Malaysian Prime Minister 's godfather Riza
Aziz, the CEO of one of the producers of the film, Red Granite .

In India, the film was released with three censored sequences: the gay orgy Butler Jordan Belfort, the scene in which Jonah Hill 's character masturbates in public, and one of the first images of the film, in which the protagonist snorts cocaine with a straw rear of a prostitute.

In addition , the phrase " all the nuns are lesbians " assembly was removed in response to legislation that protects India respect all religions, in Singapore , received a rating that prevents access to those under 21 years.

In the UAE, the released version recorded almost an hour less in length and government issued a statement explaining that the cuts were made by the regional distributor and not by government censors .

In Lebanon , the pressure of the spectators distributor prevented backtracking on their initial plans and premiere version almost complete filmmaker, with a single cut , the scene of the gay orgy.