We have great news to share,
After two albums, countless adventures around the world and on stage, Terry time Evanescence has come to an end. However difficult it is, we stick together knowing that it is the right decision for everyone. We will always love, Terry, and we wish you happiness, health and love in the world!
Now the exciting part of this announcement: Ladies and gentlemen, here Jen Majura.
After tracking the balloon, I found the missing piece of Evanescence in southern Germany. Plays like a supervillain, sings like an angel and laughs as a great friend. We spent a few days together last week in New York mysterious sharing family stories, sushi, artistic inspiration, shoes other people and lot of laughs! (Yes, OK, maybe there were a couple of drinks loaded there).
We are all excited to play together this fall and bring the concerts to a new level. I CAN NOT WAIT! I know you're going to show the love and respect that a strong and talented woman deserves. I could not be happier to welcome our new sister to the band.

Anything is possible! Go for it !!!
Balsamo joined Evanescence in 2003 replacing the former guitarist Ben Moody, after leaving Cold. Amy Lee had repeatedly expressed the importance of guitarist in the composition of the last two long the group.